onsdag den 19. november 2014

Almost done with first semester!

Hey everyone
Today is November 19. and I can slowly see the end of this semester. This of course brings both joy and sadness. Joy, because I'm looking forward to my new classes and the fact that we go on thanksgiving break this friday and christmas break december 10. But the end also brings some sadness, since we have to say goodbye to a few good friends... 
Enough of all the sad things that is gonna happen. There has been a few things going on :) 

Since the last time I posted something, nothing major has happened I have had a few things going on.
I did get to experience my first real Halloween, since I don't think of halloween as something we celebrate back home, but just an attempt be more American and just yet another reason to party. Of course this meant that I went all in, and got myself a real costume. I was, what they over-here call, a flapper. This meant a funny dress, heels, false eyelashes, giant fake diamond earrings and gloves. But since it was freezing that night I also had to include a leather jacket in the mix.

Group picture with my roommates

This last week has been the week where I got proven once again, that soccer is not my thing. Not only do I not have the talent, I also found it boring. Sunday we played in the international tournament, it wasn't only for international students, but a "celebration" of the international department. We played two games but since we were 12 players and only 7 to play at a time, I spent most of my time on the bench, which was fine with me since it was freezing cold and i could wear my skiing-jacket. We lost both games, so we did not win that tournament, but in our defense, it was not fair. Our only all girls team played against all guys teams.
We were also in the intramural tournament, we had a game last monday. We also lost this game, but at least this one was a fair one, since we played against an all girls team. That meant that our team will never play again, since we are out of the tournament after that game. This also means the end of my soccer-career, which is probably for the best. I should just keep myself to sports that include water, since that is my element. 

The weather here in Troy took, all of the sudden, a turn. It changed from 15 degrees celsius to 4 and minus during the night. It is even colder than back home, where there is 6-7 degrees with more or less no difference between night and day. The only good thing about the winter here is the clear sky. We haven't really had any rain these last couple of days, other than a tornado that brought some rain with it. 
The night between sunday and monday we had a minor tornado warning. Apparently there was a tornado in the Montgomery area, which is an hour away. I woke up by the siren from the city of Troy (that was far away, and therefore not that loud), but didn't think much of it other than the heavy rain and that it was a weird siren. The next day I found out that it was a tornado-warning, and that there was a lot of students that had followed procedure and went to the first floor. They had all received a text from the university warning about the tornado. I, of course, hadn't signed up for that, but don't worry I have now. I found out later that day that in case a tornado was very close, that the warning would be more extreme, with the fire alarm going off and RA (resident assistants) knocking on doors and waking people up. So it makes me feel more safe, because otherwise I was kinda worried about how they would get all the heavy sleepers out of bed. It's not everyone who wakes up by every sound.

I'm extremely excited about Friday, since we are going on Thanksgiving holiday for a week! I'm going with Alex, Cassidy and Anna to Fort Lauderdale, where I will spend the week house-hopping or something, the details aren't yet clear, but it is for sure gonna be fun!! I look forward to 20 degrees weather and maybe some sun, who knows, maybe also some tanning ;)

Love y'all