tirsdag den 9. december 2014

The end of the first semester

Hey everybody
Long time, no see (to those back home in Denmark), I have now been here for 4 months. Yesterday I finished the first semester. It has been a good semester with a lot of good memories that will never be forgotten. 
A week and a half ago we were all on thanksgiving break, I went with Alex and Cassidy to Fort Lauderdale. My break wasn't just like any other break I usually have in the fall, where I go somewhere warm (Crete), since there wasn't a lot of tanning and lying on the beach. Instead I was brought to two family birthday parties, a gathering with family-friends that was based on an old TV show holiday, one thanksgiving dinner, some black friday shopping and a night out at a cowboy saloon. I was living the whole week with Alex and I was therefore also introduced to her whole family, more or less. I did though also get a day at the beach
One of the birthday parties was Alex's little sister, Rylee's, birthday party. Unlike any of mine birthday parties, this party was held at a gymnastics gym. This gave me the chance to show everyone the gymnastic skills I don't own, but there was a lot of jumping into a foam pit. Another talent I don't possess is Linedancing, since it is quite difficult to catch the basic step when you are just thrown into it a bar (Yeah I'm talking about my trip to cowboy saloon). 

I also got to celebrate my first thanksgiving, because, no, we don't have thanksgiving in Denmark it's a true American holiday ;). Alex's dad made a delicious turkey, so the food was amazing, just as I hoped it would be. I don't know what I exactly expected from thanksgiving, but for some reason i thought that it would remind me more of danish christmas eve; you know, with all these traditional things during that you do with your family during the evening. I'm not saying it was a bad day, I just thought it was a bit difference, since it seems like everyone makes such a big deal out of it. 
Black friday shopping was one big tourist trap in Sawgrass Mills, never have I ever felt so claustrophobic and irritated because of all of those people. The whole mall was filled with tourists that came to do black friday shopping, and they all had at least one suitcase, which just made them in the way more. It might be me lacking the talent of finding all the good sales, but I didn't seem to find some amazing sales, where you get a whole bunch of stuff for nothing. I did get a pair of Nike running tights and a shirt to go with it. 

Since thanksgiving I have spend my time finishing up all of my classes this meant a couple of last minutes tests in some of my courses before finals and then of course also taking all my finals. To survive the finals and christmas without my lovely family, my mom send me a 'pakkekalender' (I'm not quite sure what you call it in english, but it's a calendar where there is a little present for everyday until christmas). So that has giving me a little of Danish into my American christmas. 

Now I'm sitting in my room finishing packing up my stuff before cleaning tomorrow and checking out. Realising that the first part of my adventure is over and how fast time has gone by. We are leaving for a last mini-roadtrip with Willem and José tomorrow. We are all heading for Columbus and Atlanta Georgia, where we are saying goodbye in the airport. Then Cristina and I will head back to Dothan to begin our christmas with her family. 
I'm really looking forward to see how this christmas is gonna be. I have a feeling that your first christmas without your family is a special and weird experience, maybe a bit sad too, so it is gonna be interesting. I am most definitely gonna miss my family and skiing, still not quite sure that it is gonna feel like christmas without them. But I can tell you all about that in a month or so.

Until then, please take care! 

onsdag den 19. november 2014

Almost done with first semester!

Hey everyone
Today is November 19. and I can slowly see the end of this semester. This of course brings both joy and sadness. Joy, because I'm looking forward to my new classes and the fact that we go on thanksgiving break this friday and christmas break december 10. But the end also brings some sadness, since we have to say goodbye to a few good friends... 
Enough of all the sad things that is gonna happen. There has been a few things going on :) 

Since the last time I posted something, nothing major has happened I have had a few things going on.
I did get to experience my first real Halloween, since I don't think of halloween as something we celebrate back home, but just an attempt be more American and just yet another reason to party. Of course this meant that I went all in, and got myself a real costume. I was, what they over-here call, a flapper. This meant a funny dress, heels, false eyelashes, giant fake diamond earrings and gloves. But since it was freezing that night I also had to include a leather jacket in the mix.

Group picture with my roommates

This last week has been the week where I got proven once again, that soccer is not my thing. Not only do I not have the talent, I also found it boring. Sunday we played in the international tournament, it wasn't only for international students, but a "celebration" of the international department. We played two games but since we were 12 players and only 7 to play at a time, I spent most of my time on the bench, which was fine with me since it was freezing cold and i could wear my skiing-jacket. We lost both games, so we did not win that tournament, but in our defense, it was not fair. Our only all girls team played against all guys teams.
We were also in the intramural tournament, we had a game last monday. We also lost this game, but at least this one was a fair one, since we played against an all girls team. That meant that our team will never play again, since we are out of the tournament after that game. This also means the end of my soccer-career, which is probably for the best. I should just keep myself to sports that include water, since that is my element. 

The weather here in Troy took, all of the sudden, a turn. It changed from 15 degrees celsius to 4 and minus during the night. It is even colder than back home, where there is 6-7 degrees with more or less no difference between night and day. The only good thing about the winter here is the clear sky. We haven't really had any rain these last couple of days, other than a tornado that brought some rain with it. 
The night between sunday and monday we had a minor tornado warning. Apparently there was a tornado in the Montgomery area, which is an hour away. I woke up by the siren from the city of Troy (that was far away, and therefore not that loud), but didn't think much of it other than the heavy rain and that it was a weird siren. The next day I found out that it was a tornado-warning, and that there was a lot of students that had followed procedure and went to the first floor. They had all received a text from the university warning about the tornado. I, of course, hadn't signed up for that, but don't worry I have now. I found out later that day that in case a tornado was very close, that the warning would be more extreme, with the fire alarm going off and RA (resident assistants) knocking on doors and waking people up. So it makes me feel more safe, because otherwise I was kinda worried about how they would get all the heavy sleepers out of bed. It's not everyone who wakes up by every sound.

I'm extremely excited about Friday, since we are going on Thanksgiving holiday for a week! I'm going with Alex, Cassidy and Anna to Fort Lauderdale, where I will spend the week house-hopping or something, the details aren't yet clear, but it is for sure gonna be fun!! I look forward to 20 degrees weather and maybe some sun, who knows, maybe also some tanning ;)

Love y'all

tirsdag den 28. oktober 2014


Hey everyone!!

October is almost over too, how time flies by when you are having fun. And yes, I am having fun, the school has yet not killed my social life. I have talked to many from back that are curious about how the weather this time of the year in Alabama, and I can tell you that it is still summer, according to Danish standards. We are having sun and around 20 degrees celsius (70 degrees fahrenheit) every day, I must admit that the night temperature is another story though. Of course if you ask the local they will call this cold, especially if you ask Alex and Cassidy ;)
I have also reached the point where it no longer feel unfamiliar to walk around, I have finally reached the point where I feel like this is my home. I don't know if I'm just talking gibberish: But it is no longer strange for me to walk around campus and look at all the buildings, it is normal, it is a part of my everyday life.

So what has happened in my life since my last update?
No major life changing experiences, but it has not been all boring everyday life either. 
I went to the baby shower a couple of weeks ago. I must admit that it is not as fun and exciting as you have seen in movies, but there was good food, and you never say no to free food! 
Either way, it was nice to meet some of Cristina's family members, and I'm also looking forward to spending christmas with them this year. 

Last weekend we went on a spontaneous trip to Panama City Beach. We decided to go friday at 1, and left the same day at 5. Because of the spontaneity did we not have enough time to reserve everything in good time before and could only rent the car until sunday morning. So we slept there for that one night and headed back home the next evening. But we still took advantage of our one night in Panama City Beach, and went to the biggest club, of course it was off season and therefore only 30+ who had got TOO much to drink. Let's just say that some of us are scared for life ;). But after our minor failed night out we went to bed, because we also had to be out before 10. The next day we went to the beach after dropping the guys off at Buffalo Wild Wings, since they had to watch a "very" important soccer game (Barcelona vs. Real Madrid). At the beach we meet up with Anna's cousin and some of his Fraternity brothers and their dates. I can tell you they all had one big party at that beach and I don't really think any of them were sober. Of course I had to be sober since I was the driver, which actually was okay with me. It was nice to spend a day at the beach it has been a long time and when the weather is good everyday, you kinda wish that there was a beach close by. I also got a chance to work a little more on my tan, yes people; I'm slowly looking like the rest of family Rasmussen!! 

Today I signed up for classes for next semester. Not an easy task when you are in the last group who gets to sign up for classes. Luckily for me, was there only one of my classes that I couldn't get. So for next semester I'm gonna have: Culture in media, Language in culture and society, Legal environment of business, Introduction to Philosophy, and Self defense for women.

I have begun counting the days until Thanksgiving, since I have not really had holiday since I arrived here, and I can tell you that from today there is 25 days to fall break. I kinda miss the danish fall break in the end middle of October. Of course I also miss going on holiday with my family, and I can not imagine how weird it is gonna be spending christmas without them, it probably won't even feel like real christmas, without; skiing, christmas food, dancing around the tree singing lame danish christmas songs, and being with my family.

In case there is someone from back home who were doubting this: I MISS ALL OF YOU!!! It has after all almost been 3 months since I have seen all of you, and that has of course left is mark. And yes mom, I do miss all of you and also both Søren and Casper, no matter how annoying they can be, no doubt about that. 

torsdag den 2. oktober 2014


Hey everybody
So yet another month has already passed, and wauw does time fly by. I know I haven't posted anything in such a long time, so to update you all on this past month, I have decided to squeeze it all into one post. 

Football season started in the beginning of September and Troy kinda sucks (Kinda is actually a nice way to put it). We have played five games and lost all of them. At the first homegame we lost 17-34 to Duke (Duke University, North Carolina), but I'm proud to say that I survived the whole game, which was about 3,5 hours. 

Even though Troy University isn't the best when it comes to football, I still like the game. But I have found it more interesting and better, when you are sitting inside with Air Condition, a soft chair and a cold drink in my hand.

I have also slowly been introduced to baseball, we haven't had any games yet though. According to two of my roommates (Alex and Cassidy, mostly Alex); Troy doesn't suck as much at baseball, and we actually have a okay team, so I'm looking forward to the baseball season in the next semester. But first I need to learn the rules, so I don't look like an idiot.  
This picture is from the other day when it was one part of the trojans vs. the other part of the trojans.  

I have also gone on my second trip with the four trips for forty offer. The trip went to Destin Beach in Florida. That is 3,5 hours away in a shitty school bus with 15 cm of leg space (not made for long legs, I must say). But anyways, it was nice to see the sea again! We were forced to stay at a mall for three hours before we could head to the beach, since it was only Lewin and I who wanted to go directly to the beach. So after three hours and a new pair of jeans, we went to the beach. It was so lovely at the beach, just to lie in the sun and swim in the water, where the water was hot and the waves dragged you around.

And homecoming is coming up too, that is in next weekend (October 11th) which means that Troy will finally stop being ghost town (since we haven't had any homegames in a while), because people are coming back for the game and the big celebration that comes along with homecoming. Also, I'm the geek and proud Dane who is gonna carry the Danish flag in the international parade on the field.

A couple of weeks ago Cassidy (one of my beloved roommates) dragged all the four of us to the doctors office I found this amazing news in the local news paper. Apparently there is a paint job somewhere in Troy, which just had to make the front page.

This weekend I'm going to Dothan where Anna and I also have been invited to Cristina's cousins babyshower. So that is gonna be exciting since they are some of the people I'm gonna spend christmas with. 

torsdag den 4. september 2014


Hey y'all
I have now been here for a month, and have had a whole bunch of fun and met some amazing people. But since it is Throwback Thursday and I have been here for a month; I have decided that this post should be in honor of some of the amazing people back home. I first and foremost hope that you all are good and I miss you all very much.

To all of you who I have absolutely no idea of what I'm talking about; Throwback Thursday is a day where you post pictures from a "while" ago in celebration of good memories. So in this post I will post a couple of pictures that shows my appreciation of all the wonderful people back home. 

And just because I also promised to keep you guys updated on my life over here. Here is a little update on our Orlando trip.

We had an AMAZING trip! I was going with 9 amazing people and the house was just great, so the odds for getting a good trip were high. The weekend went like this; Party, little sleep, chilling with amazing people, power-shopping and chilling by the pool. I wish I could describe the weekend so that you could understand how amazing it was, but it simply went over my expectations. It was one of those weekends where you just had to be there to understand, like Roskilde Festival.

But for your sake I will try to explain how the weekend went
We drove from Troy at about 3 o'clock and arrived in Orlando at 12 o'clock. The first thing we did after walking through the door was, changing and jumping into the pool, and we just partied to 5 o'clock next morning. 
The next morning we were tired of course, but we only had the weekend in Orlando, so no time for lazy asses sleeping in. So saturday some of us went power-shopping, which means that we went to a outlet-mall where we had an hour to buy the things we needed. I, of course, took advantage of this and went straight to Sunglass Hut, since I needed a new pair of sunglasses. My cheap sunglasses from Copenhagen actually broke that morning, so the timing was perfect. I also went and bought a new perfume, since I was running out of that too and some cloths just because it was so cute. 
Saturday night we partied again, we did have the whole house to ourselves. Sunday most of the crew went to Universal Islands of Adventure, but I decided that since I'm not all that crazy about rollercoaster and it was a hundred bucks to get in, that I could use a day by the pool. So Anna, Adéle, Sam and I stayed back in the house and the only trips we made that day was to Buffalo Wild Wings and playing taxi for the Universal-people. 
Monday morning we had to pack up everything and leave the house at 11, and after that we had a seven hours drive ahead of us.

Today it's thursday and tomorrow the weekend begins with at least one party on friday and the seasons first home-football-game. So this is gonna be one hell of a weekend! 

fredag den 29. august 2014

Road trip

Hi y'all
We are now on our way to Orlando, where we are gonna stay for the long weekend, Labor Day Monday. As I have told you all before; we have rented a house and are planning a trip to universal islands on Sunday. We have at this point drove most of the way and have about two hours before we hit Orlando. Even though we are in the states with big cars, we got two small Chevrolet Sonics, both in grey, so it looks funny when we follow each other on the highway. 

This picture was taken earlier today

fredag den 22. august 2014

Resident of Trojan Village

Hey y'all
I know it has been long since the last update, but now I have something new for you guys :D
Yesterday I moved into Trojan Village which is apartment-like dorms. I'm now living with three American girls, who seems nice and sweet. We each have our own little room, and we share 2 bathrooms, a mini kitchen and a living room.
Here is a couple of pictures of my lovely new dorm room.

Another new thing is that we are a couple (or 10) who are going to Orlando, Florida, next weekend. We have rented two cars and a house outside of Orlando, and we will go there for the long weekend, since monday September the 1th is labor day, and there for a day off!! :D Even though we are so excited about Orlando, we enjoy everyday of the college-life. I'm off for today and ready for the weekend, so I'm looking forward to yet another good weekend, with some amazing people, and a kayak trip tomorrow.

And at last, just another 'Happy Birthday' to Lewin Schmitt, our favourite German guy. 

fredag den 15. august 2014

The first "week" of school

Hey y'all
I have now survived the first "week" of school, and by "week" i mean from wednesday to friday. I have had all my classes except swimming, but I think i know what that is about ;). It not for fun that they call it university, because reading I have enough of, I have to read about 2000 pages before December. It's always nice to know that you get what you payed for, an education.

I have also signed up for 4 trips for 40$. This a special offer they have to us international students! So I'm going on a Wetumpka River Adventure next weekend, which is kayaking in the Coosa river, I think I can manage to do that one ;). There is also a beach (and shopping) trip to Florida. A trip to Atlanta, where we will see what Atlanta has to offer for the tourists :) At last there is a halloween trip to a "haunted" house in Greenville. So lots of reading and fun to look forward to :D

The themes tonight are: #freefood and #havingtomuchfun

søndag den 10. august 2014

Finally registered as a student at Troy University!!

Hey y'all
The americans are slowly arriving on campus and I have now signed up for classes. I can now call myself a real college student! My major ended up being Anthropology, even though it still says history on my papers. The best thing about college is the schedule, I have 5 different classes, and one of them are swimming. This semester I'm taking Anthropology, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Visual Arts and Swimming. And I LOVE MY SCHEDULE!!

Here are some pictures from todays welcome ceremony, with the band, speeches and torch lightning.

The band, one HUGE band!!

Both students and professors lightning the torch, to symbolise a journey that's beginning.

lørdag den 9. august 2014

Almost a real university student!

Hey y'all
I have decided that I'm gonna write in English, since it is easier when I speak English all day. You know, it can get quite confusing!
Okay, so here is what's new: I was originally a history major, but since I was told that the reading would kill my social life, I have decided to change it. I'm thinking about two options, either anthropology or graphic design. I have until to morrow at 10 to decide, because I have registration to morrow, and THEN I will become a REAL UNIVERSITY STUDENT!!! Hurrraahhhh!! Today is the first of day of the moving in period for the american students, so the campus is slowly beginning to filled with life. This means THREE things; one; more people to talk to, two; classes begin soon, three; there is a lot of 'back to school' parties ;)
I have now seen the dining hall, which is a paradise with free food, and as much of it as you can eat. That is the main reason to why the famous freshman-15 exists. The freshman-15 is when all the freshman gain 15 pounds, which is 6,8 kg. But don't worry there is a salad bar too, so I hope I won't become american size ;). I also try to be active. The last couple of days we have played volleyball and soccer, and I even joined the (amateur) female soccer team. I know, that one you would never have guessed! :) AND THERE IS A SWIMMING POOL!!!! and a running track and fitness center, so there are options out there!

If there is someone out there that feel like they want to know something or have a question for some reason. Just write to me, and I will put it on the blog, or for more personal questions answers in a message ;)

Have a great day! That's all from Alabama!
And here is an ice cream cookie a la Cristina

onsdag den 6. august 2014

My new home in sweet home Alabama!!

Hey y'all!!

Så har jeg overlevet rejsen her ned og den første dag, og er nu på 2. dag. Tænker at I måske er et par stykker der gerne vil have lidt detaljer om stedet?
Selve campus er noget af det smukkeste jeg længe har set. Hele campus er fyldt med flotte store murstens bygninger som har lidt græske søjler og sådan. Ved siden af de flotte bygninger er der græsarealer og stier der er nøjeligt lagt. Man kan godt se at de er glade for deres skole og maskotten, hvilket er en trojansk kriger, fordi hvis man går ind i bog butikken på campus er halvdelen af butikken forskelle Troy University Merchandise. Glæder mig allerede til den første fodbold camp på Campus, som finder sted i starten af september.

Jeg bor på Pace Hall, hvilket er det internationale hus her på campus. Der skulle have boet halv om halv af amerikanere og internationale studenerende, men det er åbenbart kun de internationale studerende der bor her. Jeg bor sammen med en fra Mexico og vi deler bad og køkken med et andet værelse. Værelset er ikke det største, på billedet kan man se min del af værelset. Jeg ved godt ironien ved det lyserøde tæppe, men det var altså ikke mig der fik lov til at vælge det.

Den første dag tilbragte jeg med at få ting på plads og sådan. Jeg har mødt en masse spændende mennesker fra forskellige dele af verden. Der er dog overvægt af asiatere, både i form af kinesere, syd-koreanere og indere. Vi europæere er en minoritet. Alle de amerikanske studerende ankommer først i perioden søndag til tirsdag i næste uge og skolestart er onsdag. Jeg har tilmeldt mig amatør fodboldholdet (soccer, selvfølgelig), sådan bare for sjov. Fordi vi ved jo alle at jeg ikke er særlig god til fodbold, men nu må vi jo se om jeg kommer på holdet, skal selvfølge til 'try-outs'. 

Klimaet udenfor er varmt, omkring 35 grader, med en enkel regnbye eller to. Mens indendørs klimaet er tørt med fuld knald på airconditioneren.