fredag den 29. august 2014

Road trip

Hi y'all
We are now on our way to Orlando, where we are gonna stay for the long weekend, Labor Day Monday. As I have told you all before; we have rented a house and are planning a trip to universal islands on Sunday. We have at this point drove most of the way and have about two hours before we hit Orlando. Even though we are in the states with big cars, we got two small Chevrolet Sonics, both in grey, so it looks funny when we follow each other on the highway. 

This picture was taken earlier today

fredag den 22. august 2014

Resident of Trojan Village

Hey y'all
I know it has been long since the last update, but now I have something new for you guys :D
Yesterday I moved into Trojan Village which is apartment-like dorms. I'm now living with three American girls, who seems nice and sweet. We each have our own little room, and we share 2 bathrooms, a mini kitchen and a living room.
Here is a couple of pictures of my lovely new dorm room.

Another new thing is that we are a couple (or 10) who are going to Orlando, Florida, next weekend. We have rented two cars and a house outside of Orlando, and we will go there for the long weekend, since monday September the 1th is labor day, and there for a day off!! :D Even though we are so excited about Orlando, we enjoy everyday of the college-life. I'm off for today and ready for the weekend, so I'm looking forward to yet another good weekend, with some amazing people, and a kayak trip tomorrow.

And at last, just another 'Happy Birthday' to Lewin Schmitt, our favourite German guy. 

fredag den 15. august 2014

The first "week" of school

Hey y'all
I have now survived the first "week" of school, and by "week" i mean from wednesday to friday. I have had all my classes except swimming, but I think i know what that is about ;). It not for fun that they call it university, because reading I have enough of, I have to read about 2000 pages before December. It's always nice to know that you get what you payed for, an education.

I have also signed up for 4 trips for 40$. This a special offer they have to us international students! So I'm going on a Wetumpka River Adventure next weekend, which is kayaking in the Coosa river, I think I can manage to do that one ;). There is also a beach (and shopping) trip to Florida. A trip to Atlanta, where we will see what Atlanta has to offer for the tourists :) At last there is a halloween trip to a "haunted" house in Greenville. So lots of reading and fun to look forward to :D

The themes tonight are: #freefood and #havingtomuchfun

søndag den 10. august 2014

Finally registered as a student at Troy University!!

Hey y'all
The americans are slowly arriving on campus and I have now signed up for classes. I can now call myself a real college student! My major ended up being Anthropology, even though it still says history on my papers. The best thing about college is the schedule, I have 5 different classes, and one of them are swimming. This semester I'm taking Anthropology, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Visual Arts and Swimming. And I LOVE MY SCHEDULE!!

Here are some pictures from todays welcome ceremony, with the band, speeches and torch lightning.

The band, one HUGE band!!

Both students and professors lightning the torch, to symbolise a journey that's beginning.

lørdag den 9. august 2014

Almost a real university student!

Hey y'all
I have decided that I'm gonna write in English, since it is easier when I speak English all day. You know, it can get quite confusing!
Okay, so here is what's new: I was originally a history major, but since I was told that the reading would kill my social life, I have decided to change it. I'm thinking about two options, either anthropology or graphic design. I have until to morrow at 10 to decide, because I have registration to morrow, and THEN I will become a REAL UNIVERSITY STUDENT!!! Hurrraahhhh!! Today is the first of day of the moving in period for the american students, so the campus is slowly beginning to filled with life. This means THREE things; one; more people to talk to, two; classes begin soon, three; there is a lot of 'back to school' parties ;)
I have now seen the dining hall, which is a paradise with free food, and as much of it as you can eat. That is the main reason to why the famous freshman-15 exists. The freshman-15 is when all the freshman gain 15 pounds, which is 6,8 kg. But don't worry there is a salad bar too, so I hope I won't become american size ;). I also try to be active. The last couple of days we have played volleyball and soccer, and I even joined the (amateur) female soccer team. I know, that one you would never have guessed! :) AND THERE IS A SWIMMING POOL!!!! and a running track and fitness center, so there are options out there!

If there is someone out there that feel like they want to know something or have a question for some reason. Just write to me, and I will put it on the blog, or for more personal questions answers in a message ;)

Have a great day! That's all from Alabama!
And here is an ice cream cookie a la Cristina

onsdag den 6. august 2014

My new home in sweet home Alabama!!

Hey y'all!!

Så har jeg overlevet rejsen her ned og den første dag, og er nu på 2. dag. Tænker at I måske er et par stykker der gerne vil have lidt detaljer om stedet?
Selve campus er noget af det smukkeste jeg længe har set. Hele campus er fyldt med flotte store murstens bygninger som har lidt græske søjler og sådan. Ved siden af de flotte bygninger er der græsarealer og stier der er nøjeligt lagt. Man kan godt se at de er glade for deres skole og maskotten, hvilket er en trojansk kriger, fordi hvis man går ind i bog butikken på campus er halvdelen af butikken forskelle Troy University Merchandise. Glæder mig allerede til den første fodbold camp på Campus, som finder sted i starten af september.

Jeg bor på Pace Hall, hvilket er det internationale hus her på campus. Der skulle have boet halv om halv af amerikanere og internationale studenerende, men det er åbenbart kun de internationale studerende der bor her. Jeg bor sammen med en fra Mexico og vi deler bad og køkken med et andet værelse. Værelset er ikke det største, på billedet kan man se min del af værelset. Jeg ved godt ironien ved det lyserøde tæppe, men det var altså ikke mig der fik lov til at vælge det.

Den første dag tilbragte jeg med at få ting på plads og sådan. Jeg har mødt en masse spændende mennesker fra forskellige dele af verden. Der er dog overvægt af asiatere, både i form af kinesere, syd-koreanere og indere. Vi europæere er en minoritet. Alle de amerikanske studerende ankommer først i perioden søndag til tirsdag i næste uge og skolestart er onsdag. Jeg har tilmeldt mig amatør fodboldholdet (soccer, selvfølgelig), sådan bare for sjov. Fordi vi ved jo alle at jeg ikke er særlig god til fodbold, men nu må vi jo se om jeg kommer på holdet, skal selvfølge til 'try-outs'. 

Klimaet udenfor er varmt, omkring 35 grader, med en enkel regnbye eller to. Mens indendørs klimaet er tørt med fuld knald på airconditioneren.